Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sony Ericsson K750i as a Winamp remote control (via Bluetooth)

I have a K750i. It's not the prettiest phone, but it has loads of gadget features (without being overly-complicated to use). A nice one is being able to remote-control your PC via Bluetooth, but no Winamp remote control settings come as standard.

I've made some, but they require a bit of custom setup: either you have to change the Winamp hotkeys to match the one's I specify below, or you have to use Sony Ericsson's software to make your own Winamp remote control settings file.

Straightforward setup:

  • Set your Winamp hotkeys to the following settings:The Winamp Hotkeys I use
    Click the image to see it larger
  • Download winamp.hid, save it to your desktop or somewhere safe if you want to keep it.
  • Use Bluetooth to send this file from your computer to your phone; right-click on the file and choose Send to, Bluetooth Device.
  • Once the file has been transferred, you will be prompted - on the screen of your cellphone - if you want to save the file and if you want to ‘Add to Remote control’. Press ‘Yes’.
  • You will now see this displayed on the screen of your phone:
  • The 2-key (play/pause) will play or pause depending on the current state, the 5-key (play) will play if paused, or start the track again if playing
  • The 1-key & 3-key skip tracks, the 4-key & 6-key skip 5-seconds
  • The 7-key plays to the end, the 9-key stops with a fadeout
  • The *-key presses 'Start', the #-key shows or hides Winamp

I hope using it is straightforward!

Custom setup:

  • If you'd rather keep your own Winamp hotkey settings, you'll have to make your own HID profile.
  • To do this, first download the Bluetooth Remote Control app from
  • For the background, you can either use the one which comes with the app, the one I supplied (shown above), or you can adapt my Illustrator file to make your own.
  • If you want to do this, you're obviously fairly tech-literate, so I'll leave you to it!

Credit to, I borrowed some of your text.

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